Main Road
Google Apps Professional Institute
All Job Seekers
Online and Classroom Sessions
Week Days and Week Ends
Fast Track and Regular 60 Days
•How to Get Certified in Google Apps.
•Learn by example, by writing exciting programs
•Learn Google Apps from scratch. Code like a PRO
•Learn about each and every major Google Apps component.
•You will understand how to implement a Google Apps job.
•Learn how to build bug-free, memory safe applications and programs
•This course will teach you how to get moving in Google Apps.
•Learn all the topics from Google Apps from the basics to advanced topics
•Learn and understand the fundamentals of Google Apps and how to apply it to web development.
•Advanced Topics covered with examples
•Exercises and handouts after every session
•Accessibility of adequate training resources
•Personal attention and guidance for every student
•Interview guidance and preparation study materials.
•Project manager can be assigned to track candidates’ performance
•We also provide Normal Track, Fast Track and Weekend Batches also for Working Professionals
•We help the students in building the resume boost their knowledge by providing useful Interview tips
•Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Iot, Big Data, Business Analytics, Data Science, Python, Node.js, React.js, Hadoop, Aws, Qa
•Digital Marketing, General Manager, Business Development, Product Manager, Big Data, Business Analyst, Frontend Developer, Human Resources, data
•Java Developers, Dot Net Developers, Network Administration, As400, Msbi, C++, Web Services, Webmethods, Software Testing, Manual Testing, Selenium Testing
•Protocol Testing, Php Developer, Oracle, Senior Managers, Oracle DBA, Dotnet, Java, oracle, DBA, Database Administration, 12c, RAC, Goldengate
•Websphere Message Broker, Ibm Bpm, Odm, Cognos Bi, Filenet, Tivoli, Datapower, Redhat Linux, Cloud Computing, Mobile Testing, Devops, Java, .Net, Python
Environment Setup
•Becoming an online instructor
•What Is Programming
•IDE Vs Console
•Program Structure
•Basic Syntax
•Datatypes, Variables and Constants
•Data Types Part1
•Data Types Part 2
•Arithmetic Operators With Integers
•Arithmetic Operators With Other Data Types
•Relational Operators With Integers
•Relational Operators With Other Data Types
•Logical Operators
•Assignment Operators
•Condition Statements
•IF Statement
•IF Else Statement
•Else Statement
•Switch Statement
•For Loops
•From To Loop
•Loop Statements
•Inputs And Functions
•Getting Random Input
•Getting User Input
•Arrays, Slices And Structures
•Project Demo
•Thanks! (Bonus Lecture)
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