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Microsoft windows Server Professional Course
All Job Seekers
Online and Offline Classes
Week Days and Week Ends
Daily 2 hrs during Weekdays
•Learn everything about {Coursetopics} in Microsoft windows Server.
•Work with standard programming skills in Microsoft windows Server.
•Implement Microsoft windows Server in your apps and integrate it.
•Different Microsoft windows Server practical questions asked during real time interviews .
•Learn from scratch how to execute code with Microsoft windows Server
•Learn how to get a Job as a Microsoft windows Server developer .
•You will Learn How to Create and Use Model in Microsoft windows Server.
•Understand Microsoft windows Server and how to use it to write styles programmatically in Microsoft windows Server.
•Learn from two Microsoft windows Server experts and take your flow skills to the next level.
•Real-world skills + project portfolio
•Basic Training starting with fundamentals
•Job Placement Assistance with Good Companies
•Trainer support after completion of the course
•Interview guidance and preparation study materials.
•Courseware that is curated to meet the global requirements
•We also provide Normal Track, Fast Track and Weekend Batches also for Working Professionals
•The course is all about familiarizing the trainees with simpler and smarter ways to develop the skills required for Implementation.
•Architect, Lead, Developer, Project Manager, Verification Engineer, Rtl Design, Physical Design, L3 Support Engineer, Cloud Computing, Big Data Engineer
•delphi, wpf, Oracle Forms, wlan, wifi, wimax, nms, ems, oss, Big Data, hadoop, dpi, snmp, c, Cloud Computing, Vlsi, Data Structure, Algorithm
•Ms Crm, Guidewire, Sdm, Sde2, Qae, Sdet, Jbpm, Ext Js, Windows Admin, Full Stack, Aem, Spark, Hadoop, Big Data, Data Engineer, Azure, Cloud, OpentextReact.js, core, .net Core, React Native, Front End Developers, .Net Developers, .Net Tech Leads
•ux, ui, Python Developers, Qa Automation, sales, Ui Development, Ux Design, Software Development, Python, Qa Testing, Automation Testing
What is Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification?
•Understanding the Objective Domain
•How is the exam be conducted and what will it be like?
•Introducing the Microsoft Excel User Interface
•Introducing the Excel User Interface
•Essential Navigation Skills
•Entering Information
•Student Exercise Files
•Student Files
•1.1 Create Worksheets and Workbooks
•1.1.1 Create a Workbook
•1.1.2 Importing Data from a Delimited Text File
•1.1.3 Add a Worksheet to an Existing Workbook
•1.1.4 Copy and Move a Worksheet
•Exercises Domain 1.1
•1.2 Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks
• Search Navigate to a Named Cell Range of Workbook Element
•1.2.2 Named Ranges
•1.2.3 Insert and Remove hyperlinks
•Exercises Domain 1.2
•1.3 Format Worksheets and Workbooks
•1.3.1 to 1.3.3 Changing Worksheet Characteristics
•1.3.4 Modify Page Setup
•1.3.5 Insert and Delete Columns or Rows (and Cells)
•1.3.6 Change Workbook Themes
•1.3.7 Adjust Row Height and Column Width
•1.3.8 Insert Headers and Footers
•Exercises Domain 1.3
•1.4 Customise Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks
•1.4.1 and 1.4.2 Hide or Unhide Worksheets, Columns and Rows
•1.4.3 Customise the Quick Access Toolbar
•1.4.4 Change Workbook Views
•1.4.5 Change Window Views
•1.4.6 Modify Document Properties
•1.4.7 Change Magnification by using Zoom Tools
•1.4.8 Display Formulas
•Exercises Domain 1.4
•1.5 Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution
•1.5.1. Set a Print Area
•1.5.2 Save Workbooks in Alternative File Formats
•1.5.3 Print All of Part of a Workbook
•1.5.4 Set Print Scaling
•1.5.5 Display Repeating Row and Column Titles on Multipage Worksheets
•1.5.6 Inspect a Workbook for Hidden Properties or Personal Information
•1.5.7 Inspect a Workbook for Accessibility Issues
•1.5.8 Inspect a Workbook for Compatibility Issues
•Exercises 1.5
•2.1 Insert Data in Cells and Ranges
•2.1.1 Replace Data
•2.1.2 Cut, Copy or Paste Data
•2.1.3 Paste Data by using Special Paste Options
•2.1.4 Fill Cells by using Auto Fill
•2.1.5 Insert and Delete Cells
•Exercises Domain 2.1
•2.2. Format Cells and Ranges
•2.2.1 Merge Cells
•2.2.2 Modify Cell Alignment and Indentation
•2.2.3 Format Cells by using Format Painter
•2.2.4 Wrap Text Within Cells
•2.2.5 Apply Number Formats
•2.2.6 Apply Cell Formats
•2.2.7 Apply Cell Styles
•Exercises Domain 2.2
•2.3 Summarise and Organise Data
•2.3.1 Insert Sparklines
•2.3.2 Outline Data
•2.3.3 Insert Subtotals
•2.3.4 Apply Conditional Formatting
•Exercises Domain 2.3
•3.1 and 3.2 Create and Manage Tables
• and Create an Excel Table from a Cell Range and Reverse
•3.1.3 Add or Remove Table rows and Columns
•3.2.1 to 3.2.3 Table Styles
•Exercises Domain 3.1 and 3.2
•3.3 Filter and Sort a Table
•3.3.1 Filter Records
•3.3.2 and 3.3.3 Sort Data
•3.3.4 Remove Duplicate Records
•Exercises Domain 3.3
•4.1 Summarise Data by Using Functions
•4.1.1 (Part I) Insert References
•4.1.1 (Part II) Absolute References
•4.1.2 Perform Calculations by using the SUM Function
•4.1.3 to 4.1.5 Using the Average, MIN, MAX and COUNT Functions
•Exercises Domain 4.1
•4.2 Perform Conditional Operations by Using Functions
•4.2.1 Perform Logical Operations by using the IF Function
•4.2.2 to 4.2.4 Using the AverageIF, COUNTIF and SUMIF Functions
•Exercises Domain 4.2
•4.3 Format and Modify Text by Using Functions
•4.3.1 Format Text by using RIGHT, LEFT and MID Functions
•Exercises Domain 4.3
•5.1 Create Charts
•5.1.1 Create a New Chart
•5.1.2 and 5.1.3 Add Additional Data Series and Switch Rows and Columns
•5.1.4 Analyse Data by using Quick Analysis
•Exercises Domain 5.1
•5.2 Format Charts
•5.2.1 Resize Charts
•5.2.2 Add and Modify Chart Elements
•5.2.3 and 5.2.4 Apply Chart Layouts and Styles and Move Charts
•Exercises Domain 5.2
•5.3 Insert and Format Objects
•5.3.1 Insert Text Boxes and Shapes
•5.3.2 Insert Images
•5.3.3 Modify Object Properties
•5.3.4 Add Alternative Text to Objects for Accessibility
•Exercises Domain 5.3
•Gmetrix Practice Test Examples
•Practice Test 1
•Bonus Lecture – Facebook Link and Coupon codes
•Bonus Lecture: Facebook Group and Coupons for the 77-728 Expert Exam courses
•77-727 Practice Exams and Video Solutions
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