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React Redux Firebase




React Native Tech Training


All Job Seekers


Online and Classroom Sessions


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Fast Track and Regular 60 Days

React Native What will you learn?

•Understand the concepts React Native
•Learn to manage application state with React Native.
•Improve your front end design and development skills
•Learn a few useful and important topics in React Native.
•Learn from the basic and core guide to React Native
•React Native – Learn how to set up your React Native script.
•This course will teach you how to get moving in React Native.
•You will be able to do web development projects on your own.
•React Native -Learn how to use one component inside an other i.e complex components.

react redux firebase Training Highlights

•24 × 7 = 365 days supportive faculty
•Get Training from Certified Professionals
•Fast Track course available with best Fees
•Trainer support after completion of the course
•Interview guidance and preparation study materials.
• Finessing your tech skills and help break into the IT field
•One-on-one training, online training, team or Corporate training can be provided
•Very in depth course material with Real Time Scenarios for each topic with its Solutions for Online Trainings.

Who are eligible for React Native

•Architect, Program Manager, Delivery Head, Technical Specialist, developer, Sr. Developer, Transition Manager, Quality Manager, Consultant
•HR, HR Manager, Human Resource Manager, HR Generalist, Cognos, BI Developer, OBIEE, Tableau, qlikview, Data Modeling, Dimensional Modeling,
•Java/J2EE, Springs, API, REST/, MySQL, Java, Admin UI developer with HTML/JavaScript/Ember.js, Java Enterprise Integration/ESB/API Management experts with Mule
•Qa Automation, Ror Developer, Android Developer, Bluetooth Developer, Android Application Developer, Embedded Development, Javascript, Ruby, Postgres, SQL
•Web developers – Database application developers and Embedded Application developers, Web Applications HTML – CSS – JavaScript – JQuery – API


•Modern JavaScript
•Creating variables using const
•Creating variables using let
•Template strings
•Default parameters
•Arrow functions
•Arrow functions and this keyword
•Destructuring object
•Destructuring array
•Spread and rest operators
•Class constructor super
•React Basic
•Installing react
•React files and folders introduction
•Storing data in component state via ajax call
•Rendering state data using map
•Conditional rendering
•Imports exports props
•Handling click events
•Destructuring inline styling and keys
•Installation Folder Structure and Setup
•Installing react and friends
•Introduction to files and folder structure
•Setup bootstrap and firebase
•Forms Events and Data Snapshots React with Firebase
•Creating a form
•Handling onChange event
•Handling onSubmit and saving to firebase realtime database
•Getting snapshot from firebase
•Redux store Action Creators and Reducers
•Read before continuing this section
•Creating redux store
•Redux action types and action creators
•Creating reducers and combine reducers
•Passing reducers to redux store
•Connect and Implement CRUD in React Redux Application
•Connecting react with redux
•Create and read using redux
•Delete note
•More on React Components
•Using children components
•Converting to functional stateless component
•Login page markup
•Building navbar
•Adding links and inline styling
•Authentication Setup
•Enable authentication options in firebase
•Authentication action creator
•Login Logout User Actions and Reducers
•Dispatch social login method on click event
•Get user action creator and reducer
•Getting logged in user info
•Moving routes
•Implement logout
•Managing Notes and User Status
•Dispatching notes status
•Dispatching users status
•Loading and Authenticated Components
•Loading reducer
•Loading component part one
•Loading component part two
•Authenticated component
•Redirects Permissions and Note Details
•Redirect users to login or home page
•Styling landing page
•Add NoteEdit Page Link and Route
•Permission to delete note
•Display note details
•Commenting System
•Submit comment component
•Comment onChange and onSubmit
•Push comments to firebase
•Rendering comments
•Note Update
•Note update page
•Populate note content to update
•Implementing update note
•User profile and styling
•Redirect to login page
•Give a modern look with awesome CSS
•User profile on side
•Styling loading component
•Deploying to Firebase Hosting
•Deploy to firebase hosting
•Understanding How Redux Works
•Learning redux
•How redux works part one
•How redux works part two
•How redux works part three
•Code Download
•Download source code from github
•React Node Social Network from Scratch to Deploy
•React Node Ecommerce from Scratch to Deployment
•React Node Web Development with Ultimate Authentication
•React Node Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO