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Master Python Network Automation For Network Engineers




Python and Networking IT Training


All Job Seekers


Regular Offline and Online Live Training


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

2 Months

Python and Networking What will you learn?

•Build and deploy web applications Python and Networking.
•Students will learn widely used Python and Networking concepts
•How to create an Python and Networking project from scratch.
•Cover all basic Concepts with in-depth description of Python and Networking.
•You will know how to configure a Python and Networking jobs.
•Learn Python and Networking For Beginners. The Complete Course With Practical Examples
•Learn the Ins and Outs of Python and Networking in few Hours
•Learn all the topics from Python and Networking from the basics to advanced topics
•This course is designed for any graduates as well as Software Professionals who are willing to learn Python and Networking.

master python network automation for network engineers Course Features

•We are Known for High-Quality Training
•We  Groom up your documents and profiles
•Real time live project training and Guidance
•We enage Experienced trainers for Quality Training
•Fast track and Sunday Batches available on request
• Finessing your tech skills and help break into the IT field
•One-on-one training, online training, team or Corporate training can be provided
•The course is all about familiarizing the trainees with simpler and smarter ways to develop the skills required for Implementation.

Who are eligible for Python and Networking

•C, c# c c++, Java Developer, Php Developer, dot net c#
•Deep Learning, C, C++, Algorithm, Data Structures, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Development, C++ Developer, C Programming, Programming, Gpu
•Javascript, CSS, UI Development, Html5, JSON, MySQL, Spring Boot, Design Patterns, NoSQL, Algorithms, Ui Developer
•OBIEE, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Database, Oracle apps DBA, Oracle core DBA, Apex Developer, Java/J2EE developer, Data Architect, Orcale Fusion
•Software Development, Senior Software Developer, Mean Stack, React.js, Mern Stack, Full Stack, Sql, Spark, Scala, Python, Ui Development


•Course Introduction
•Why Network Automation with Python Why Now
•IMPORTANT Please read
•Quick inside Course Overview
•IMPORTANT FOR BEGINNERS How to Learn Python Programming
•How to Get Better and Faster Support JOIN OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY
•Getting Course Resources
•Quiz for Basic Python Programming
•Setup the Environment Python PyCharm GNS Cisco IOU and IOS
•A Quick Note
•Download and Install the Required Software
•Installing Python on Windows
•Installing Python on Linux and Mac
•Installing PyCharm IDE on Windows
•Installing PyCharm IDE on Linux and Mac
•Running Python Scripts using PyCharm
•Running Python Scripts using the Command Line
•Where do I get Cisco IOS Juniper vSRX or Arista vEOS Images
•Just a few Words about Windows Installation
•Installing GNS on Windows
•Running Cisco IOU Images in GNS on Windows
•Connecting to Cisco IOU Images Running in GNS from Window
•Installing GNS and Running Cisco IOU on Linux
•Working with Text Files in Python
•Opening and Reading Files
•Reading Files Tell Seek and Cursors
•Opening and Reading Text Files using seek and read
•Coding Exercise Solution
•The With Keyword
•Reading Files into a List
•Writing to Text Files
•Writing Text Files
•Quiz for File Processing
•Coding Section Working with Text Files
•Reading CSV Files
•Writing CSV Files
•Using CSV Custom Delimiters
•Using CSV Dialects
•Coding Section Working with CSV Files
•Assignment File Processing
•Assignment Answer File Processing
•Assignment Answer CSV Module File Processing
•Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python Pickle and JSON
•Intro to Data Serialization
•Pickle Data Serialization and Deserialization
•Coding Pickle
•JSON Data Serialization
•JSON Data Deserialization
•Coding JSON
•Assignment JSON and RequestsREST API
•Assignment Answer JSON and RequestsREST API
•Coding Challenge Simplify Serialization
•Coding Challenge Solution Simplify Serialization
•Coding Challenge JSON and RequestsREST API
•Coding Challenge Solution JSON and RequestsREST API
•Test Your Knowledge Data Serialization JSON Pickle
•Network Automation with Telnet
•Bytes Objects Encoding and Decoding
•Telnet Protocol Basics Configure and Connect to Cisco Devices
•Connecting to Network Devices with Telnet from Python
•getpass Module
•Network Automation Configure Multiple Devices
•Telnet Script Refactoring using Object Oriented Programming
•Testing the Custom Telnet Class Configure Loopback Interfaces and OSPF
•Configure Multiple Devices Using the Custom Telnet Class
•Network Automation with Paramiko SSH
•The Lab Environment
•Intro to Paramiko
•Extra Enable SSH on Cisco Devices
•Connecting to Networking Devices using Paramiko
•Using kwargs and Arguments Unpacking
•Running Commands on Cisco Devices
•Securing the Passwords Using getpass
•Automating the Configuration OSPF of Multiple Cisco Routers
•Running Commands on Linux Method
•Running Commands on Linux as a Nonprivileged User Method
•Running Commands on Linux as root Method
•Paramiko Refactoring Creating myparamiko Module
•Running Commands Using myparamiko on Cisco IOS
•Importing myparamiko Module
•Backup the Configuration of a Single Cisco Device
•Automating the Backup Configuration of Multiple Cisco Devices
•Using Python Multithreading for Network Automation
•Quiz for Paramiko
•Assignment Interactive User Creation on Linux with Paramiko
•Assignment Answer Interactive User Creation on Linux with Paramiko
•Secure Copying Files with SCP and Paramiko from Python
•Challenges Network Automation with Paramiko
•Running Arista vEOS and Juniper vSRX in GNS
•How to Run Arista vEOS in GNS
•How to Run Juniper vSRX in GNS
•Extra Arista vEOS Basic Configuration
•Extra Juniper vSRX Basic Configuration
•Network Automation with Netmiko
•Intro to Netmiko
•Connecting and Running a Command on a Networking Device
•Netmiko prompt Enable Global Config Mode
•Running Multiple Commands on a Networking Device
•Configure a Networking Device from a File
•Configure Multiple Networking Devices from Multiple Files
•Configure Backup using Netmiko
•Improvement of the Configuration Backup Script
•Netmiko and Linux
•Preparing the Router for SCP
•Copy files to Networking Devices using SCP and Netmiko
•Configure Arista EOS Switches
•Netmiko in a Multivendor Environment Cisco Arista Configuration
•Troubleshooting Netmiko
•Assignment Check Interface Status and Enable it if its Disabled
•Assignment Answer Check Interface Status and Enable it if its Disabled
•Network Automation and Concurrency in Python
•Python Parallel Processing Theory
•Multiprocessing vsMultithreading
•Multithreading and Multiprocessing Pros and Cons
•Implementing Multiprocessing in Python
•Netmiko Script Without Parallel Programming
•Netmiko Script Using Multiprocessing
•Netmiko Script Using Multithreading
•Network Automation with Napalm
•Intro to Napalm
•Installing Napalm Connecting to a Device
•Displaying Information
•Retrieving Information facts interfaces arp table etc
•Checking Connectivity Between Devices napalmping
•Configuration Management
•Merging Configurations
•Configuration Rollback
•Network Automation Using Serial Connections
•Serial Communication Basics Connecting to a Console Port
•Open a Serial Connection to a Device Console Port
•Configure Cisco Devices using Serial Connections
•Pyserial Refactoring Creating Our Own myserial Module
•Module Enhancement Initially Configuration of a Cisco Device
•Initial Configuration Automation From a File
•Quiz for Serial Connections
•Useful Python Modules
•Highlevel File Operations The Shutil Module
•Running System Commands The Os Module
•Running System Commands The Subprocess Module
•Extra SSH Public Key Authentication Cisco IOS Linux
•SSH Public Key Authentication Overview
•Generating SSH Key Pair on Windows
•What about MacOS
•Generating SSH Key Pair on Linux
•Configuring SSH Public Key Authentication on Cisco IOS Part Windows
•Configuring SSH Public Key Authentication on Cisco IOS Part Linux
•Configuring SSH Public Key Authentication on Linux
•Extra Ansible Automate for Everyone
•About This Section
•What is Ansible
•Ansible Components
•Installing Ansible
•Inventory and ansiblecfg Files
•Intro to AdHoc Commands
•AdHoc Commands Part command shell raw Modules
•AdHoc Commands Part setup file copy Modules
•AdHoc Commands Part apt and service Modules
•AdHoc Commands Examples
•Extra Ansible Playbooks
•YAML Files
•Quizz for YAML
•Ansible Resources
•Intro to Ansible Playbooks
•ioscommand Modul
•Saving Output to a File
•networkcli vs local Privileged Exec Commands in Playbooks
•Behavioral Inventory Parameters
•Behavioral Inventory Parameters in Playbooks and Inventory Files
•iosconfig Module
•iosconfig Module parents Argument
•Backup runningconfig Using iosconfig Module
•Ansible Loops Create Linux Users
•Arista eosconfig Module
•Playbook with Multiple Plays for a Multivendor Topology Cisco Arista
•Ansible Vault
•Python Programming Python Basics
•Quick Note for Beginners
•Dynamic vs Static Typing
•Builtin Types
•Numbers and Math Operators
•Comparison and Identity Operators Mutability vs Immutability
•Boolean Variables
•Boolean Operators
•Coding Python Basics
•Python Programming Strings in Python
•Intro to Strings
•Get User Input
•Type Casting
•String Indexing and Operations
•String Slicing
•String Formatting
•Recap Printing Strings
•String Methods
•Coding Strings in Python
•Python Programming Program Flow Control<