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Unity and Blender Online Institute
Graduates and Technology Aspirants
Both Classroom and Online Classes
Week Days and Week Ends
2 Months
•Deploy Unity and Blender to host your application.
•Learn Unity and Blender proficiently in a structured fashion.
•Learn WebdriverIO Testing with real user scenario examples
•Read explore clean and prepare your script in Unity and Blender.
•Learn the Basic Concepts of Unity and Blender with Practical Examples
•Discuss all the principles of Unity and Blender and demonstrate though Assignment.
•Students will learn the core concept of making Real Life Project
•Discover how to correctly test instance identity as well as equality in Unity and Blender.
•Dive in and learn Unity and Blender step-by-step from beginner to intermediate level by building a practical project!
•You Get Real Time Project to practice
•Free technical support for students
•Software & others tools installation Guidance
•Immersive hands-on training on Python Programming
•60+ Hours of Intensive Classroom & Online Sessions
•Courseware includes reference material to maximize learning.
•We also provide Normal Track, Fast Track and Weekend Batches also for Working Professionals
•Lifetime access to our 24×7 online support team who will resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system.
•.Net,, C#, Angular, React, .Net Developer, Ui, Ui Development, Single Page Application, Sql, Product Development
•Core Java, java, python, php, plsql, Ios Development, Android Development, Software Development, Software Testing, hadoop, cloud, devops, Technical Support
•Java Fullstack Developer, Java, Javascript, Data Structures, OOPS, Cassandra, NoSQL, Big Data, CI, XSLT, Maven, XML, Web Services, Microservices, SQL, Rest
•QA and Testing, erp, IMS, Cloud Computing, c# c c++, core java j2ee, oracle plsql unix shell script, cobol jcl db2 vsam cics, Sharepoint C#
•Solution Architect, Technical Lead, Software Developer, Testing Engineer, Project Manager, sap, sas, sql, magento, wordpress, laravel, mysql, Payment Gateways
•Have you ever created a game prototype that was really cool but as you have started building on it every new feature seemed to introduce bugs in the old code? Or maybe this 1 feature that you had in mind and thought as being 2h of work to implement ended up taking 2 weeks?
•If this sounds familiar I encourage you to take a look at this course.
•In this course we will learn best practices for programming games. We will focus on the general game structure, code structure and how to use design patterns in our game to solve different issues that will arise. By using Unit Tests we will create some degree of certainty that our code will run as it should even after adding new features and refactoring the previously written code.
•Those are mostly overlooked topics in most courses on how to create games. There is a reason for it. They show you how to create a prototype. Your game prototype must be created fast, can be crude and can have bugs. It’s role is to get you feedback if your game idea is promising.
•My goal in this course is to give you an idea about broad range of topics mainly connected with programming. On an example of a city builder game we will look at how to use different design patterns, create unit tests and refactor the previously written code to account for the new features that we want to introduce into our game.
•I hope that I can help you improve your coding skills where it comes to game development. At the same time I am sure that not everyone will be satisfied with my delivery and the quick pace at some points. Please know that you have 30 day to apply for a refund. I don’t want anyone to feel dissatisfied with their purchase.
•Who this course is for:
•Intermediate unity developer
•Promo video
•Check the result
•Resources used in this course
•General Information about this course
•Programming theory
•Why bother with good coding
•BIg picture – Architrcture
•Object oriented programming
•SOLID principles
•Refactoring and code smells
•Automated tests – Unit testing
•Designing our city builder
•Simple Game Design Document
•Art prototype
•What is art prototype
•Unity preset and resources
•Creating a town using prefab models
•Detailing our town to make it look appealing
•Adding simple post-processing effects
•Adding simple UI
•Designing objects and responsibilities
•Class structure of our city builder
•City builder – creating basic code structure
•Project Setup
•Getting mouse input
•Placing Structure on our map
•Refactoring: split code into separate classes
•Why Do I Want To Test?
•Unity Test: Grid Class
•Unit Tests Code
•Refactoring input manager – Delegates
•Refactoring Input Manager using delegates
•Cell data structure – storing state of our map
•Unity Tests Phase 1
•Switching states – Refactoring Input Manager – Interfaces
•Switching between selection and building state part 1
•Switching between selection and building state part 2
•Switching states – State Pattern
•Camera movement script
•Input for Camera Movement
•What is State Pattern
•Implementing state pattern – prepare Input Manager
•Implementing state pattern – Preparing states
•Implementing state pattern – modifying Game Manager
•Play mode Testing
•Refactoring placement state – Decoupling
•Refactoring PlacementManager – Adding BuildingManager
•Adding Demolish Structure State
•Refactoring Input Manager – different platforms
•Creating Data Layer – Scriptable Objects
•Data as scriptable objects part 1
•Data as scriptable objects part 2
•Connecting Data Layer to our application – Decoupling
•Data – Preparing UI
•Data – Displaying in UI
•Changing UI buidings structure callbacks to send names
•Refactoring States for building structures mechanic – part 1
•Refactoring States for building structures mechanic – part 2
•Refactoring States – Placing our prefabs
•Fixing Playmode test errors
•Refactoring states – Creating confirmation Button
•Creating Confirm placement button – Preparation
•Creating Confirm placement button – Creating buildings
•Creating Confirm placement button – Demolishing buildings
•Creating Confirm placement button – Finishing
•UPDATE – Fixing bug – State not changing to selection on confirmation
•Building Manager Tests
•Road placement system – Factory Pattern
•Refactoring Building Manager
•Testing refactored classes
•Factory Pattern Introduction
•Implementing Factory Pattern
•Placement helpers unit tests p1
•Placement helpers unit tests p2
•Refactoring Structure Modification Helper
•Refactoring – Fix
•Road placement logic p2
•Road placement logic p3
•Road placement logic p4
•Road placement logic p5
•Road placement logic p6
•Road placement logic Tests
•Zone placement mechanic
•Zone placement – preparing classes
•Zone placement – how to handle user input
•Zone placement – Object pooling
•Zone placement – finishing and unit tests
•Simple Economy
•ResourceManager – Introducing Money
•GetAllStructures method implementation (and how to test it)
•Economy in SingleStructure placement state
•Fixing Unit Tests
•Invoking Town Calculations
•Demolition helper economy and zone placement economy
•Fixing tests – our own ResourceManager stub
•Road placement economy
•Null Object Pattern
•Population Counter
•Adding functionality to Structures – Scriptable objects
•Logic for finding structures in range
•Test code – Finding Structures in range
•Structure Economy Manager – Create structure rules
•Structure Economy Manager – Demolition structure rules
•StructureEconomyManager – Tests
•StructureEconomyManagerTests – debugging
•Finishing Structure Economy Manager
•Implementing StructureEconomyManager into creation logic
•Implementing StructureEconomyManager into demolition logic
•Finishing Selection State
•Creating UI to display structure data
•Adding logic to UiStructureInfoHelper
•Finishing UI for Selection State
•FInal Version Package
•Bug fixes
•Bug: Entering demolition state during building placement causes weird behavior
•Extra: Audio using Singleton Pattern and AudioMixer
•Getting sounds and basic audio setup
•Implementing Singleton Pattern and playing sounds
•Extra 2: Placing trees on our map using procedural generation
•Poisson disc sampling overview
•Adding algorithm to our code base
•Placing trees on the map
•Course summary
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