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Complete Guide To Building An App With Net Core And React




React Native IT Training


Technology Learners


Online and Classroom Sessions


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

30 to 45 days

React Native Objectives

•An overview about React Native concepts.
•You learn how to use React Native code.
•You will learn basics of programming in React Native
•Learn how to structure a large-scale project using React Native.
•You will understand how to implement a React Native job.
•Learn to design and run complex automated workflows for React Native
•Students will learn the core concept of making Real Life Project
•Go from ‘zero’ to a true React Native expert’. Learn by examples
•React Native -Learn how to use one component inside an other i.e complex components.

complete guide to building an app with net core and react Course Features

•Career guidance providing by It Expert
•25+ projects for good Learning experience
•Doubt clarification in class and after class
•Create hands-on projects at the end of the course
•Indutry oriented training with corporate casestudies
•Collaboration With 500+ Clients for Placements and Knowledge Sessions
•Flexible group timings to admit freshers, students, and employed professionals
• Our dedicated HR department will help you search jobs as per your module & skill set, thus, drastically reducing the job search time

Who are eligible for React Native

•.Net, Automation Testing, Php, Front End, Graphic Designing, Ui Designing, It Recruiter, Facility Management, Odi Developer, Hyperion Essbase, Java, Devops
•Digital Marketing, General Manager, Business Development, Product Manager, Big Data, Business Analyst, Frontend Developer, Human Resources, data
•Microsoft Azure, Azure, Sql Azure, Cloud Computing, Cloud Testing, SQL, Cognos Framework Manager, Query Studio, Oracle, Business Objects, Issue Resolution
•React.js, core, .net Core, React Native, Front End Developers, .Net Developers, .Net Tech Leads
•Software Engineer, Business Operational Analyst, Project Manager, Software Test Engineer, Android Developers, HTML5 Developers, IT Help Desk, IT Freshers


Course Introduction
•Setting up the dev environment
•Visual Studio Code extensions
•Source code and resources for this course
•Walking Skeleton Part 1 – API
•Section 2 introduction
•Creating the ASP.NET Core solutions and projects using the DotNet CLI
•Creating the project references using the DotNet CLI
•Reviewing the Project files
•Running the application
•Creating a Domain entity
•Creating the DbContext and service
•Adding our first Entity Framework code first migration
•Creating the database
•Seeding data using Entity Framework fluent configuration
•Using Dependancy Injection
•Introduction to Postman
•Saving our changes into Source control using Git
•Section 2 summary
•Walking Skeleton Part 2 – Client
•Section 3 introduction
•Using create-react-app to create our React application
•Reviewing the React project files
•Introduction to React – Concepts
•Introduction to React – Components
•Introduction to Typescript
•Typescript basics demo
•Using Typescript with React
•Adding React dev tools
•React Class Components
•Using React State
•Fetching data from the API
•Adding CORS support to the API
•Adding Semantic UI to our app
•Clean up and saving our code to source control
•Summary of section 3
•Building a CRUD application in .Net Core using the CQRS + Mediator pattern
•Section 4 introduction
•Adding the Activity entity
•Seeding Activity data
•Commands and Queries – CQRS
•Introduction to MediatR
•Creating our first Query handler
•Creating the Activities API Controller
•Adding the Details Handler
•Cancellation Tokens
•Adding the Create handler
•Dealing with boilerplate code in our handlers
•Adding an Edit handler
•Adding a Delete handler
•Summary of section 4
•Building a CRUD application in React
•Section 5 introduction
•Introduction to React Hooks
•Folder structure in React
•Getting a list of activities from the API
•Adding an Activity interface in Typescript
•Refactoring our class component to use React Hooks
•Adding the Navigation bar
•Styling React components
•Adding the Activity Dashboard
•Creating the Activity List
•Adding the Activity Details component
•Adding the Activity Form component
•Selecting an individual Activity
•Adding an edit mode to display the form
•Adding a create activity mode
•Initialising the form with data
•Controlled components in React
•Handling form submission
•Fixing issues with the dates in the form
•Adding the delete functionality
•Summary of section 5
•Section 6 introduction
•Setting up the agent.ts file
•Listing our activities
•Updating an Activity
•Adding a delay to our API methods
•Adding a loading component
•Adding a loading indicator for submitting data
•Isolating the loading indicator on the delete button
•Summary of section 6
•Section 7 introduction
•Introduction to MobX
•Setting up a MobX store
•Refactoring the activity list to use the store
•Refactoring the select activity function
•Using Async Await in our methods
•Refactoring the create activity method
•MobX computed properties
•Using an Observable Map
•Adding the edit activity action
•Adding the delete activity action
•Cleaning up our code
•Enabling MobX strict mode
•Adding MobX dev tools
•Summary of section 7
•React Router
•Section 8 introduction
•Setting up React Router
•Setting up our Routes
•Adding Links and NavLinks
•Adding the Details link
•Getting an Activity from the API
•Using Route params
•Navigating via code
•Routing to the edit form
•Using a Fully Uncontrolled Component with a key to reset component state
•Navigating after submission
•Moving the home page outside of our navigation routes
•Scrolling to the top of the page on navigation
•More code clean up
•Summary of section 8
•Adding some style
•Section 9 introduction
•Styling the activity list
•Grouping activities by date
•Styling the activity list items
•Creating the Activity Details page
•Styling the Activity Detailed Page Header
•Styling the Activity Detailed Info
•Styling the Activity Detailed Chat and Sidebar components
•Styling the Activity Form
•Styling the Home page
•Section 9 summary
•Error handling and validation
•Section 10 introduction
•Introduction to validation in the API
•Adding validation in the API using Data Annotations
•Adding validation in the API using Fluent Validation
•Error handling concepts in our application
•Error handling strategy
•Creating a derived Exception class for Rest exceptions
•Adding Error handling middleware
•Using our Error handling middleware
•Using Axios interceptors to catch errors
•Throwing errors in the client
•Adding routing functionality to Axios
•Handling an invalid GUID on a get request
•Adding toast notifications
•Handling network errors in Axios
•Summary of section 10
•Section 11 introduction
•Setting up React Final Form
•Creating a reusable Text input field
•Refactoring the form to use React Final Form
•Creating a reusable Text Area Input field
•Creating a reusable Select input field
•Setting up React Widgets
•Creating a reusable Date Input field
•Formatting the dates using Date-FNS
•Creating separate Date and Time fields
•Combining Date and Time inputs
•Submitting data to the server
•Form error handling
•Form validation
•Summary of section 11
•ASP.NET Core Identity
•Section 12 introduction
•Introduction to ASP.NET Core Identity
•Adding the Identity User Entity
•Configuring Identity in our startup class
•Seeding users to the database
•Adding a Login Handler
•Adding a Base API controller
•Adding a User API controller
•Adding a User object
•JSON Web Tokens introduction
•Adding the Infrastructure project
•Adding the JWT Generator interface and class
•Generating a JWT Token
•Returning the JWT Token on successful login
•Securing our app with Authorization
•Dotnet user secrets
•Adding an authorisation policy
•Adding a Register Handler
•Testing user registration
•Adding a Fluent Validator extension for password validation
•Retrieving the Username from the token in the Http Context
•Getting the currently logged in user
•Summary of section 12
•Client side login and register
•Section 13 introduction
•Creating the Typescript interfaces and Axios methods
•Creating a Mobx user store
•Creating a MobX root store
•Creating the Login form
•Hooking up the Login form to the API
•Dealing with submission errors
•Adding home page and NavBar user information
•Creating a MobX common store
•Using Axios request interceptor to automatically send the JWT token
•Persisting login on refresh
•Adding Modals to our application
•Adding better error messages to our form
•Adding a Register form
•Displaying server validation errors in our form
•Summary of section 13
•Entity Framework Core Relationships
•Section 14 introduction
•Adding a class to join our Users and Activities
•Updating the Create Activity handler
•Testing in Postman
•Loading related data using Eager loading
•Adding DTOs to shape our data
•Adding AutoMapper
•Adding AutoMapper profiles
•Configuring AutoMapper mappings
•Using Lazy Loading to load related data
•Adding the Join activity feature
•Adding the remove attendance feature
•Creating a custom Auth policy
•Updating our Seed data
•Section 14 summary
•Adding Client side attendances
•Section 15 introduction
•Adding attendees to our list items
•Adding attendees to the Detailed view sidebar
•Adding the IsGoing and IsHost properties to the Activity interface
•Conditionally rendering the activity de