Main Road
Java Computer Training
Freshers and Career Changers
Online and Offline Classes
Week Days and Week Ends
45 Days
•Learn the core concepts of Java.
•How to implement Java on different Platforms.
•A Beginner’s Guide to Java Coding from scratch
•Learn how to handle errors and exceptions in Java.
•Understand when and how to use Java elements variables.
•The best way to learn modern Java step-by-step from scratch.
•You’ll learn how to solve well known standard functions in Java.
•You will have a strong understanding about how to develop Java project.
•Have an understand of Java and how to apply it in your own programs
•Advanced Topics covered with examples
•Training by Industry expert professionals
• Helps you stand out in a competitive market
•Personal attention and guidance for every student
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
•Training by Proficient Trainers with more than a decade of experience
•Affordable fee structure to help as many students strive career in IT industry
•This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises
•.net software engineer, Team Lead, Senior Soft ware engineer, Technical Architect, Program Manager, .net Developer, Biztalk Developer, others
•Deep Learning, C, C++, Algorithm, Data Structures, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Development, C++ Developer, C Programming, Programming, Gpu
•Ms Crm, Guidewire, Sdm, Sde2, Qae, Sdet, Jbpm, Ext Js, Windows Admin, Full Stack, Aem, Spark, Hadoop, Big Data, Data Engineer, Azure, Cloud, OpentextSAP CRM, SAP BI/BW, SAP FICO, .NET/MVC, JAVA/Spring, Mobile Apps Developer, IOS Developer, ETL Testing, VSTS Testing, Oracle ERP Support, Peoplesoft
•Software Development, Big Data, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Oozie, Big Data Analytics, Java, Python, R, Cloud, Data Quality, Scala, Nosql, Sql Database, Core Java
Welcome Students!
•Project Tour 1
•Project Tour 2
•Project Tour 3
•Project Tour 4
•Project Tools and Installation
•Important Lecture For All Taking This Course
•Project Tools 1
•Project Tools 2 Installation of XAMPP
•Finally, starting to our project and first steps!
•4 Pillars of lean Design
•CSS terminology and Pillars of Good Web Design Practice
•Css Rule and BEM Notation
•Finally Starting with SASS & Node.Js and NPM
•Learning how to use CMD or the command-line interpreter
•What is Sass?
•Important, Follow the new lectures for Node.js Sass and NPM.
•Important Watch this video if you can’t compile sass with lecture 13,14,15.
•1. NEW – Nodejs, Npm And Writing Our Scripts For Compiling Sass Locally
•2. NEW- Adding All Script Or Task For Creating Fast Build Process
•3. NEW-Finished, Final Build Process Is Working And Live Browers Is Refreshing
•OLD- Node.js, Sass, Live Server and NPM, Create New Scripts in package json file
•OLD- Writing More Scripts in Json file
•OLD-Fixing problems and Testing the usability of our scripts
•Finally Coding and using Sass for the first time
•What are Sass Variables, how to decrale and use them. Nesting, Mixings and…
•7-1 Architecture and creating folders and files
•Lets work on Header
•Learning about Typhography,Units,Rem,Em and pixel
•Basic Html Reset and declaring our project variables and colors
•Start the Header using html and css. Write first html block of code using BEM
•Use clip-path to style the header and create the header title
•Create first animation @keyframes for the title in this header
•Creating Our Horizontal menu
•More Menu Css styles
•Creating the a hover effect and include font awesome icon
•Learn and Create Media Queries
•Use Media Query to make our menu responsive
•Using checkbox hack for the menu and download jquery
•Finish the Menu with adding javascript function
•Making Logo Box or title to be seen on mobiles
•Creating Search Bar
•Creating Search Bar in Index File
•Style Inputs and Finish the Search bar and optimise it for Mobile Viewing
•Learn and Practice Css Transform Porperty
•Learn and Practice Css Transition
•Creating 4 Different Flip Card with CSS, They will represent 4 different Ads
•1.Learn About Bootstrap Framework and how it works
•2. Creating the first Card for advertising, card to selling properties
•3.Html code for the front side of the Advertismenet
•4.Styling The Advertisement Front Side Plus Position Img And Heading
•5.Continue Styling Svg And Heading Using The Modifier
•6.Styling more elements from the front card
•7.Starting the Back Side, Perspective, Transform and Transition
•8. Continue to style the Back Side, add more html code
•9 . Style the company details and create the circle logo
•10. Fix Details and use unordered List, Price And Link
•11.Final Improvements. Card Finished
•12.Create Another awesome Card, for Car Advertisement
•Fix the Car Card-Missing lecture between 12-13
•13. Fixing Car Card And Making Jobs Card
•14.Styling Job Header and add new html
•15.More of Job Card styling
•16.Finished the job card
•17.Starting and Finish the 4th template for the ad
•18. Fixing Layout To fit 4 Cards at once
•19.Create Featured Listings Heading with Background Clip Css
•Registration and Login Pages
•1. Create our Registration Form plus registration page
•2. Registration Form before and after pseudo elements
•3. Create Very nice Input Styles, Focus and Placeholder Trick
•4 Adjeson Siblings and Placeholder-show Css tricks
•5.Time To create the login page
•Footer Plus Edit the Login Page
•1. Create Footer Section and add social media icons
•2 Footer Sass styles applied to look more inline with the header, clip path agai
•3. Footer new Mixin and fancy linear gradient
•4. Webkit Mask Shine
•5.Footer Finished with media icons on right styled
•6.Fixing Footer with media queries and add Z-indexes
•Create Scroll To Top
•1 Create Scroll Btn, Html, Styles And Js File
•2. Scroll And Header Styled To Work On Small Screen, Clip-Path Removed
•Css Grid Short Crash Course
•Starter Resource Files
•0. Work on Code Pen or Create your own Project, Css Grid Intro
•1. Write Html And Try Our First Css Grid
•2. Creating The Layouts
•3. Learning About Grid-Row, Auto, What Is 1Fr And Much More
•5.Using Named Lines [Content-Start]
•7 Advanced Css-Grid part 1
•7 Advanced Css-Grid part 2
•8. Exercise Create This Layout Grid.
•9. Finish The Example In And Use Named Lines In Practice
•10. Learn About Justify Content, Align Content, Justify Items, Align Items/self
•Starting Our 2 Css Project, Creating Single Ad/Post Page
•Starter Files for our project
•1.Starting our Post app project, create the html structure
•2 Css Grid Layout, Create the layout for our project
•3. Style Profile Gallery section, Use slider
•4 Gallery Description Third Nested Grid!
•5. Post Gallery Completed
•6.Post Author HTML and Styling it little
•7. Finishing the Post Author Section Styling
•8.Staring our Logo and Edit section
•9.Starting our post content section
•10.Turning our content into awesome grid
•11 Positioning CSS grid cells like pro and making them responsive
•12. Post Content Grid Finished and css styling to the elements
•13 Startung Additional Content Info section, HTML
•14 Additional Info Grid positioning
•15 Finished Additional Info Section
•16 Contact Agent HTML part
•Missing HTML Code from the Form
•17 Contact Form CSS Grid and positioning
•18 Making Form Responsive and Nice
•19 Styling the inputs
•20 Contact Form Finished
•21 Post Comment HTML
•22 Comment Form Finished + Footer and Scroll Element
•23 Finishing up the footer and this Project is Done! Congratulations
•Project Finished
•Quick Crash course: Learn about Flexbox – CSS Flexible Box Layout & Bootstrap
•1. Lets start with Flexbox, What is Flexbox?
•2. Learn about Justify and Align
•3. Align self, order,flex grow, shrink and much more!
•How Bootstrap is Using Flexbox
•Bootstrap and Flexbox finished
•3rd Final Css Project. Create our Flexbox Profile App
•1. Welcome, Starting our new project called Profile app. Create the layout
•2.Create header and place nav Icons together with dropdown menu
•3. Create Header to be and use display flex
•4. Header styling and include dropdown
•5 Create User-online pulse anumation and style dropdown menu
•6.Finishing up Online Green Pulsating circle and Fix for the dropdown
•7. Use Media Queries and flex-wrap
•8. Create the rest of the Layout Fast with flexbox
•9. Creating Left Sidebar links and icons
•10. Styling up the Sidebar so on hover will show the submenu
•11. Making Cool Animation on sidebar menu on hover
•12. Amazin Sidebar links hover effect finally finished
•13. Media Query sidebar hide, and create new awesome Menu from scratch
•14.Checkbox hack and background color
•15. Make menu visible
•16.Before and After pseudo class to create menu
•17. Sidebar Green Menu Finished
•18.Profile Search html and another component added
•19.Styling up the two search input and its icons
•20.Media Query and change the flex direction to column
•21.Create search that looks amazing
•22. On hover transform the button for the searching
•23.Button styling finally completed!
•24. Creating Free, Standard and Premium Ads cards
•25. Flex and sass styling of the price card
•26.Price, Heading and Option styling
•27.Finished Price Guide Cards, Crazy Icon clip text and coloring
•29.Section User Posts HTML and Carosel coding
•30.Post Icons and Setting up the Second Post
•31. Html code finished, and new component part added to style these user posts
•32.Carousel and Img styles in css
•33. Description, price and title
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