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sveltejs Certification Course
Technology Learners
Both Classroom and Online Classes
Week Days and Week Ends
45 Days
•Understand the concepts in sveltejs
•Learn how to use and interpret sveltejs.
•Learn to code with sveltejs the easy way.
•Learn End to End sveltejs complete ground up
•Learn sveltejs in the most efficient and easy way
•Learn how to get a Job as a sveltejs developer .
•Learn and Understand sveltejs From a total Beginner to and Expert
•Learn all the topics from sveltejs from the basics to advanced topics
•Learn the essential skills to level-up from beginner to advanced sveltejs developer in 2021!
•We are Known for High-Quality Training
•Certificate after completion of the course
•Flexible batch timings – Weekend & weekdays.
•Our Trainers with 15+ years of teaching Experience
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
•Courseware that is curated to meet the global requirements
•We provide one to one mentorship for the students and Working Professionals
•Lifetime access to our 24×7 online support team who will resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system.
•.net Developer, Business Analysis, Software Testing, Software Development, Linux Administration, java, Automation Testing, hybris, qtp, lamp, css, xml, manual
•Java Developer, Mainframes Developer, Sap Consultant, Qa, Network Operations, C++ Developer, Wintel Admin
•JSF, hibernate, spring, Java SE 6 Developer, Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform / Oracle Certified Master, html
•PHP, OpenCart Developer, Magento Developer, Html, Javascript, Jquery, Css, Photoshop, html, css, bootstrap, javascript, jquery, Business Development
•Software Development, Software Testing, Solution Design, software, Blueprism Developer, Rpa Developer
•Why Svelte
•What is Svelte
•Join our Online Learning Community
•Setting Up a First App The Course Project
•Writing Some Svelte Code
•Course Outline
•How To Get The Most Out Of The Course
•Course Resources
•Base Syntax Core Features
•Module Introduction
•Using Curly Braces Understanding the Core Syntax
•Reactive Variables
•More Reactivity
•Binding to Element Properties
•TwoWay Binding Shortcut
•Using Multiple Components
•Components Communication via Props
•Diving Deeper into Bindings
•Using SelfExtending Properties
•Outputting HTML Content
•A XSS Example
•Setting Dynamic CSS Classes
•Time to Practice The Basics
•Wrap Up
•Useful Resources Links
•Working with Conditionals Loops
•Using if Statements in HTML
•if else elseif
•Outputting Lists with each
•each else Extracting the Index
•Lists Keys
•Time to Practice Conditionals Loops
•A Closer Look at List Keys
•A Closer Look at Reactivity
•Updating Arrays Objects Immutably
•Understanding Event Modifiers
•Using Inline Functions
•Course Project First Steps
•Project Setup A First Component
•Different Ways of Mounting Components
•How to Embed Widgets
•Adding Data
•Adding a New Component MeetupItem
•Working with Different Component Types
•Passing Data Into Components
•Adding a MeetupGrid Component
•Adding New Meetups via a Form
•Creating a TextInput Component
•Adding a Custom Button Component
•Diving Deeper Into Components
•Understanding the Different Component Types
•Component Communication Overview
•Event Forwarding
•Emitting Custom Events
•How to Extract Event Data
•Using Spread Props Default Props
•Working with Slots
•Named Default Slots
•Example Opening Closing a Modal
•Using Slot Props
•The Component Lifecycle Theory
•Creation Update Lifecycle Hooks in Action
•Using tick
•Course Project Components Deep Dive
•Adding Default Props
•Communication via Custom Events
•Utilizing Slots
•Creating an EditMeetup Component
•Communicating Between Components
•Time for More Slots
•Adding a ReUsable Modal Component
•Finishing the Modal Component
•Working with Bindings Forms
•TwoWay Binding Refresher
•Understanding Custom Component Bindings
•Relying on Automatic Number Conversion
•Binding Checkboxes Radio Buttons
•Binding select Dropdowns
•Binding to Element References
•Binding to Component References
•Validating Forms Inputs
•Course Project Bindings Forms
•Exploring Different Validation Solutions
•Adding Validation Error Output to the TextInput Component
•Adding Some Validation Logic
•Finishing TextInput Validation
•Validating the Overall Form
•Improvements Wrap Up
•Managing State Data with Stores
•Whats the Problem
•Creating a Writable Store Subscribing
•Updating Store Data
•Stores and Stateful Presentational Components
•Managing Store Subscriptions
•Using Autosubscriptions
•A Second Store
•Subscribing for a Short Period
•Understanding Readable Stores
•Unlimited Power with Custom Stores
•Derived Store Store Bindings
•Course Project Stores
•A Possible Error
•Setting Up a Store
•Using a Custom Store
•Tapping into the Store from Different Components
•Adding a MeetupDetail Component
•Preparing the Edit Meetup Form
•Continuing Work on the Edit Feature
•Adding a Delete Functionality
•Adding a Filter Component
•Some Final Steps
•Motion Transitions Animations
•Animating Values with a Tweened Store
•Using a Spring Store Instead
•Preparing a Transition Example
•Element Transitions
•More on Transitions
•Using Different in and out Transitions
•Animating Passive Affected Items
•Deferred Transitions
•Course Project Transitions
•Animating the Modal
•Animating the Meetup Items
•Animating the Favorite Badge Wrap Up
•Network Interaction via Http
•Adding a REST API
•Sending Data via a POST Request
•Showing a Loading Indicator Sending Correct Data
•Fetching Transforming Data
•Things to Consider
•Using the await Block
•Http A Store
•Course Project Http
•Storing Meetups on a Server
•Adding a Loading Spinner
•Updating via PATCH
•Sending Favorite Updates Deleting Data
•Fixing the Order of Items
•Adding Error Handling
•Special Elements
•Dynamic Components
•Recursive Components
•Accessing Windows Body Head
•CrossComponent Scripts
•Routing Serverside Rendering with Sapper
•What and Why
•Understanding the Folder Structure
•Inspecting the Web Page
•Filenames Routes
•Error Layout Pages
•Preloading in Components
•Prefetching Data
•Migrating the Meetup Project Files into the Sapper Project
•Fetching Data on the Client Side
•Prefetching Data on the Server
•Syncing Fetched Data the Store
•Editing Deleting Meetups
•Rendering the MeetupDetail Page
•Adding Global CSS
•Different App Types Deployment Options
•Building the App
•Rendering Content Correctly on the Server
•Deploying a SSR App
•Hosting a Static Site
•Course Roundup
•Svelte vs React vs Angular vs Vue
•Getting Started
•Why Svelte?
•What is Svelte?
•Setting Up a First App & The Course Project
•Base Syntax & Core Features
•Using Curly Braces & Understanding the Core Syntax
•Two-Way Binding Shortcut
•Components & Communication via Props
•Using Self-Extending Properties
•Time to Practice: The Basics
•1 question
•Useful Resources & Links
•Working with Conditionals & Loops
•Using “if” Statements in HTML
•if, else & else-if
•Outputting Lists with “each”
•”each”, “else” & Extracting the Index
•Lists & Keys
•Time to Practice: Conditionals & Loops
•Updating Arrays & Objects Immutably
•Course Project – First Steps
•Project Setup & A First Component
•Adding a New Component (MeetupItem)
•Adding a “MeetupGrid” Component
•Creating a “TextInput” Component
•Adding a Custom “Button” Component
•Using Spread Props & Default Props
•Named & Default Slots
•Example: Opening & Closing a Modal
•The Component Lifecycle – Theory
•Creation & Update Lifecycle Hooks in Action
•Using “tick()”
•Course Project – Components Deep Dive
•Creating an “EditMeetup” Component
•Time for More Slots!
•Adding a Re-Usable “Modal” Component
•Finishing the “Modal” Component
•Working with Bindings & Forms
•Two-Way Binding Refresher
•Binding Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
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