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PHP IT Training
Lateral Entry Professionals and Freshers
Regular Offline and Online Live Training
Week Days and Week Ends
1.5 hrs in weekdays and 3hrs during Weekend
•Best practices for PHP
•Master the most important aspects of PHP.
•A Beginner’s Guide to PHP Coding from scratch
•How to write PHP from scratch (no experience required!)
•Learn about PHP in a step by step approach
•Learn all important topics of PHP by practical examples
•You’ll learn how to solve well known standard functions in PHP.
•You will be able to do web development projects on your own.
•Learn how to code in PHP This PHP Course is set up for complete beginners!
•Post training offline support available
• First step to landing an entry-level job
•Highly competent and skilled IT instructors
•Immersive hands-on training on Python Programming
•Facility of Lab on cloud available (based on booking)
•Access to a huge closet containing information about Hadoop
•One-on-one training, online training, team or Corporate training can be provided
• Our dedicated HR department will help you search jobs as per your module & skill set, thus, drastically reducing the job search time
•.net, front end developer, Android Development, ios, Big Data, Web Development, java full stack, Service Now, Wintel Servers, Change Management, Database
•Iot, Embedded Systems, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth, Web Designing, Responsive Web Design, Visual Web Developer, Aws, Cloud Computing, Algorithm
•Java/J2EE, Springs, API, REST/, MySQL, Java, Admin UI developer with HTML/JavaScript/Ember.js, Java Enterprise Integration/ESB/API Management experts with Mule
•Qa, Ui/ux, Java Developer, Java Architect, C++/qt, Php, Lamp, Api, J2ee, Java, Soa, Esb, Middleware, Bigdata Achitect, Hadoop Architect, Deep
•Sharepoint, Java J2ee, Oracle EBS, Peoplesoft, Oracle, Data, UI/ UX Designers/ Developers, HTML Developer, .net Developers, Mainframe, MBBS, AV Engineer, Audio
Introduction to the Course
•Download 200+ PHP Source Code used in this Course
•#1 Advise to become PRO PHP Developer
•Setting up the PHP Environment
•Objective: What you’ll learn in this Section
•Types of PHP Installation Software
•How to Configure PHP on Windows
•How to Configure PHP on Mac
•Exercise 1: Verify the PHP Installation Software
•Choose your Favourite PHP Editor
•Install Sublime Editor
•PHP Software Checks
•PHP Syntax
•Example 1: First Hello World Program using PHP
•Understanding Comments Syntax
•Example 2: Write Comments
•Exercise 2: Print Your Name on Web Page using PHP
•Exercise 3: Use all PHP Tags Learned So Far
•Certification Tips
•Best Online PHP Resources
•Interview Questions: PHP Basics
•Assignment: Display the Following Text on Web Page
•Resources: Setting up the Environment
•Summary: What you have learned in this Section
•Introduction to PHP
•What is Client Server Model?
•What is Request and Response Pattern?
•What is PHP?
•How PHP Works?
•Compare PHP with Other Languages
•PHP Useful Resources
•Why PHP was called as “Personal Home Page”
•1 question
•Resources: Introduction to PHP
•PHP Language Basics
•Embed PHP in HTML Page
•Run PHP on Console
•Whitespace in PHP
•PHP Escaping Characters
•Roles of PHP Reserved Words
•Example: Recap Language Basics
•Exercise: Display the following Text on the Web Page
•PHP Coding Standards
•Interview Questions: Language Basics
•Assignment: Create a Web page using PHP
•Variable and Constants
•Define Variables
•Quick Intro to Strings and Integers
•Rules of Variables
•Single Quotes vs Double Quotes
•Variable Typing
•Quick Intro to Functions
•PHP Case Sensitive
•Understand Local Variable
•Understand Global Variable
•Understand Static Variable
•Understand Super Global Variable
•Understand Variable of Variables
•Predefined Variables
•Variable isset() function
•Example 1: Recap Variable Concepts
•Define Constants
•Variable Vs Constants
•Valid and InValid Constants
•Magic Constants
•Example 2: Recap Constant Concepts
•Exercise 1: Create and Display Variables
•Exercise 2: Create and Display Constants
•Interview Questions: Variable and Constants
•Assignment: Define the Following Variables and Constants
•Resources: Variables and Constants
•Expressions and Operators
•What is Expression and Operators
•Arithmetical Operators
•Conditional Operators
•Logical Operators
•Assignment Operators
•Increment and Decrement Operators
•Bitwise Operators
•Execution Operators
•Error Control Operators
•Operator Precedence
•Exercise 1 – Use the Following Operators
•Exercise 2 – Use the Following Operators
•Interview Questions: Expression and Operators
•Assignment – Use all Operators in One Page
•Resources: Expression and Operators
•Data Types
•What is Scalar Data Types
•NULL Keyword
•Exercise 1: Write one PHP Program using all the Data Types
•Exercise 2: Print a Student Details using Data Types
•Interview Questions: Data Types
•Assignment – Print Employee Details
•Resources: Data Types
•Define Namespaces
•Define Sub Namespaces
•Namespace Constant
•Exercise 1 – Define Namespaces
•Interview Questions: Namespaces
•Assignment – Create a Config File and Use it
•Resources: Namespaces
•Control Structures
•Decision Making: if..else Statement
•Decision Making: else..if Statement
•Decision Making: Switch Statement
•Loops: for Statement
•Loops: while Statement
•Loops: do…while Statement
•Loops: break Statement
•Loops: continue Statement
•Loops: return Statement
•Exercise 1 – Display Odd and Even Numbers
•Exercise 2 – Easy Table Calculator
•Interview Questions: Control Structures
•Assignment – Infinite Loop to Print Odd and Even
•Resources: Control Structures
•How to Combine Two Strings
•String Functions: strlen() – Find Length of String
•String Functions: strpos() – Find Something in a String
•Commonly used String Function Examples
•Exercise 1 – String Functions
•Exercise 2 – String Functions
•Interview Questions: Strings
•Assignment – Do the Following String Operations
•Resources: Strings
•Define and Access Array Elements
•Loops: foreach Statement
•Empty Arrays
•Mixed Arrays
•Indexed Arrays
•Associative Arrays
•Multi Dimension Arrays
•Array Function: unset
•Sort Arrays
•Copy Arrays
•Split Arrays
•Exercise 1 – Define and Read Two Types of Arrays
•Exercise 2 – Read the Multi Dimension Array
•Interview Questions: Arrays
•Assignment – Display a Student Details Array in Table
•Resources: Arrays
•Define and Call a Function
•Passing inputs to Functions
•Return Value from Functions
•Default and Optional Values using Function Inputs
•Dynamic Function Calling
•Anonymous Function or Closures
•In build Functions
•Passing Argument as Reference
•Exercise 1 – Function Accept Parameter and Return Value
•Exercise 2 – Create a Calculate Function
•Interview Questions: Functions
•Assignment – Calculate Discounted Price
•Resources: Functions
•Handling Exceptions
•Raise and Catch an Exception
•Throw an Custom Exception
•Catch Multiple Exceptions
•Finally Block
•Raise and Catch Errors
•Exercise 1 – Raise an Exception if value is not integer
•Exercise 2 – Clean Exit of Exception Block
•Interview Questions: Handling Exceptions
•Assignment – Show how to Use Try, Catch and Exception
•Resources: Handling Exceptions
•Working with Directories
•Copy, Rename and Delete a File
•Read and Write Files
•Read Configuration File into an Array
•Read and Write CSV Data
•Exercise 1 – Create File, Write Content and Save File
•Exercise 2 – Read File, Print Output and Append to File
•Interview Questions: Files
•Assignment – Print Students details from File to HTML Table
•Resources: Files
•Date and Time
•Getting the Timestamp and Date
•Converting the Timestamp
•Common Use Case of Date and Timestamp
•Exercise 1 – Print Australia Current Time
•Exercise 2 – Show the TimeDifference
•Interview Questions: Date and Time
•Assignment – Simple Date Website
•Resources: Date and Time
•PHP OOP Basics
•What is OOP?
•What is Class?
•How to Define a Class
•What is Property and Methods?
•What is Objects?
•How to Define Objects
•Define Methods with Parameters and Return Value
•Use case of Users with Class and Objects
•Project: Calculate Employee Salary
•Exercise 1: Create a Bank Class, Object, Property and Methods
•Exercise 2: Create a Files Class, Object, Property and Methods
•Assignment: Create a Student Class, Object, Property and Methods
•Quiz: OOP Basics
•Resources: OOP Basics
•Bonus Section
•PHP OOP Course for $9
•PHP Resources
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