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Apache Maven Beginner To Guru




Apache Maven Certification Course


All Job Seekers


Online and Classroom Sessions


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

30 to 45 days

Apache Maven Objectives

•How to work with Apache Maven Tool.
•Learn to write Array in Apache Maven.
•Learn how to use loop statement in Apache Maven.
•Build deploy and run your Apache Maven configuration and code.
•Learn about Apache Maven in a step by step approach
•Start learning from this excellent course on Apache Maven programming!
•How to focus on writing the correct code to execute Apache Maven.
•Go through all the steps to designing a game from start to finish.Learn from two Apache Maven experts and take your flow skills to the next level.

apache maven beginner to guru Training Highlights

•24 × 7 = 365 days supportive faculty
•Training by Industry expert professionals
•Flexible batch timings – Weekend & weekdays.
•We enage Experienced trainers for Quality Training
•Highly Experienced Trainer with 10+ Years in MNC Company
•Repeating of lectures allowed (based on seat availability)
•Affordable fee structure to help as many students strive career in IT industry
•This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises

Who are eligible for Apache Maven

•.net, front end developer, Android Development, ios, Big Data, Web Development, java full stack, Service Now, Wintel Servers, Change Management, Database
•full stack web developer, Core Java, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, Html5, Css3, Bootstrap, Node.js, Mysql, Mongodb
•Java Programmer, Ui Designer, Web Developer, Web Designer, Automation Testing, graphic designer visualiser, java script frameworks, PHP
•Oracle Apps Testing, Functional Testing, O2C, Techical Support, Service Desk, IT Helpdesk, IT Support, Tech Support, java, J2ee, Java Developer
•Software Development, .net, java,, Sql Server, database, Software Testing, javascript, Agile Methodology, Cloud Computing, html, application


Apache Maven Introduction
•Welcome to Apache Maven – Beginner to Guru course
•Meet your Instructor
•Getting the Most Out of this Course
•Why Use Apache Maven?
•Slack Group for Apache Maven: Beginner to Guru
•Is your IDE Free Like a Puppy?
•Free 120 Day IntelliJ IDEA Trial!
•Getting Started
•System Requirements
•Maven Installation
•Environment Verification
•Compiling Java
•Review of Java Compile and Packaging
•Hello World Java Command Line
•Creating Java jar files from Command Line
•Using 3rd Party Jars with Command Line Java
•Quiz: Compiling Java
•Getting Started with Maven
•Compiling and Packaging with Maven
•Including Dependencies with Maven
•Creating a new Maven Project with IntelliJ
•Assignment – Add StringUtils Dep to Project
•Assignment Review – Add StringUtils Dep to Project
•Quiz – Getting Started with Maven
•Maven Basics
•Maven Coordinates
•Maven Repositories
•Maven Wagon
•Maven Project Object Model
•Maven Dependencies
•Maven Standard Directory Layout
•Maven Build Lifecycles
•Maven Wrapper
•Maven Archetypes
•Common Maven Plugins
•Overview Maven Lifecycle Plugins
•Maven Clean Plugin
•Maven Compiler Plugin
•Maven Resources Plugin
•Maven Surefire Plugin
•Maven Jar Plugin
•Maven Deploy Plugin
•Maven Site Plugin
•Maven and Source Control
•Other Maven Plugins
•Common Maven Commands and CheatSheet
•Generating Source with Maven
•XSD to Java with Maven
•Assignment – Clean JAXB Project Automatically
•Assignment Review – Clean JAXB Project Automatically
•Using Maven to Generate Java Classes from JSON Schema
•Challenge – Create Project Lombok Project with Maven
•Generating Java Classes with Project Lombok and Maven
•Challenge – Create MapStruct Project with Maven
•Generating Java Classes with MapStruct and Maven
•Alternate JVM Languages
•Overview of Alternate JVM Languages with Maven
•Compile Groovy with Maven
•Compile Kotlin with Maven
•Compile Scala with Maven
•Testing with Maven
•Overview of Testing with Maven
•Using Maven Surefire for POJO Unit Tests
•Using Maven Surefire for JUnit 4 Unit Tests
•Using Maven Surefire for JUnit 5 Unit Tests
•Using Maven Surefire for JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 Tests
•Assignment: Add Groovy and JUnit 4 Support to Maven Project
•Assignment Review
•Using Maven Surefire for Spock Tests
•Challenge: Use JUnit 5 with Spock
•Using Spock with JUnit 5
•Using Maven Surefire for TestNG Unit Tests
•Generating Test Reports with Maven
•Running Integration Tests with Maven Failsafe
•Code Coverage with Jacoco
•Maven Spot Bugs Report
•Setting Maven Version in IntelliJ
•Assignment – Fix Broken Maven Project
•Skipping Unit and Integration Tests in Maven
•Multi-Module Projects
•Overview of Multi Module Projects
•Creating Parent Project
•Create Project Module for Entities
•Using IntelliJ to Create New Maven Module
•Assignment Add Module for API Model Using XML
•Assignment Review Adding Project Module for API Model
•Maven Dependencies Between Modules
•Assignment Add Module for MapStruct Converters
•Assignment Review – Add MapStruct Module
•Setting Version via Maven Property
•Maven Flatten Plugin
•Maven Enforcer Plugin
•Assignment – Repair Multi-Module Maven Project
•Assignment Review – Repair Multi-Module Maven Project
•Overview of Maven Bill of Materials (BOM)
•Example of Maven BOM
•Apache Maven for Spring Boot
•Spring Boot Parent POM and BOM
•Creating Project with Spring Initializr
•Spring Boot Starter Dependencies
•Spring Boot Fat JAR
•Running Spring Boot from Maven
•Spring Boot Integration Tests with Maven Failsafe
•Generate Build Information with Maven
•Add Git Information to Maven Build
•Multi-Module Spring Boot Projects
•Assignment – Create Spring Boot Multi-Module Project
•Assignment Review – Create Spring Boot Multi-Module Project
•Introduction to Maven Repositories
•Configuration of Maven Repositories
•Configure Mirror Repository in settings.xml
•Common Public Maven Repositories
•Using JBoss Repository
•Introduction to Maven Settings
•Assignment – Add JBoss Repository to Settings XML
•Assignment Review – Add JBoss Repository to Settings XML
•Using Spring Repositories
•Manually Installing Dependencies
•Overview Using Oracle Maven Repository
•Configuring Oracle Maven Repository
•Configure Maven Master Password
•Configuring Maven for Oracle Maven Repository
•Deploying to Maven Projects to Packagecloud
•Packagecloud Account Creation
•Packagecloud Free Account
•Create Packagecloud Repository
•Packagecloud Maven Configuration
•Assignment – Deploy Release to Packagecloud
•Deploying Apache Maven Projects to Nexus
•Nexus Repository Manager Overview
•Installing Nexus
•Introduction to Nexus
•Create Snapshot Repository
•Assignment – Create Release Repository
•Nexus Repository Groups
•Maven Build Profiles
•Overview of Maven Build Profiles
•Creating Packagecloud Build Profile
•Assignment – Create Nexus Build Profile
•Maven Profile Command Line Usage
•Setting Properties in Profiles
•Maven Release Plugin
•Maven Release Process Overview
•Maven SCM Configuration
•Maven Release Plugin Configuration
•Maven Release Prepare and Perform
•Maven Release Rollback
•Maven Release Example Error
•Maven Release Dry Run
•CircleCI Configuration
•CircleCI Deploy to Packagecloud
•CircleCI Release to Packagecloud
•Maven in the Real World
•Overview of Projects
•Review Spring Cloud Contract
•Review Spring Cloud Contract for OpenAPI
•Spring Cloud Contract Fraud Example in OpenAPI
•Example Payor Service
•Resolving Dependency Conflicts
•Development with Snapshot Versions
•Deployment to Maven Central
•Upgrading Dependent Projects to Release Version
•Enterprise Dependency Management
•Maven Bill of Materials
•Maven BOM Creation
•Maven BOM Setting Common Properties
•Maven BOM Dependency Management
•Maven BOM Common Dependencies
•Maven BOM Common Build Plugins
•Maven Enforcer Build Plugin
•Beer Service Parent BOM Configuration
•Assignment – Update Services to use BOM
•Using Released BOMs
•Assignment – Update Services to use Release BOM
•IntelliJ Workspace Tips and Tricks
•Appendix A: Using GitHub
•Git and GitHub Basics – Start here!