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Learn 100 Python Pattern Printing Programs In Simple Way




Python Training Insitute


Job Aspirants


Online and Classroom Sessions


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Daily 2 hrs during Weekdays

Python What will you learn?

•Deploy Python to host your application.
•Learn to manage application state with Python.
•A Beginner’s Guide to Python Coding from scratch
•How to perform read and write operations in Python.
•Learn about Python in a step by step approach
•Learn all important topics of Python by practical examples
•Learn the Ins and Outs of Python in few Hours
•Discover how to correctly test instance identity as well as equality in Python.
•Learn to build applications on the most flexible enterprise platform for Distributed applications.

learn 100 python pattern printing programs in simple way Course Highlights

•Career guidance providing by It Expert
•Free technical support for students
•Software & others tools installation Guidance
•Our Trainers with 15+ years of teaching Experience
•Highly Experienced Trainer with 10+ Years in MNC Company
•Project manager can be assigned to track candidates’ performance
•Our trainers have experience in training End Users & Students & Corporate employees.
•This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises

Who are eligible for Python

•Big Data, E-commerce, Cloud Computing, Sap, Erp, Application Programming, Web Development
•Devops, Javascript, Aws, Amazon Ec2, Angularjs, Vuejs, React.js, Node.js, Ansible, Docker, Startup, Architectural Design, Machine Learning, Python, Cloud
•Java Programmer, Ui Designer, Web Developer, Web Designer, Automation Testing, graphic designer visualiser, java script frameworks, PHP
•Protocol Testing, Php Developer, Oracle, Senior Managers, Oracle DBA, Dotnet, Java, oracle, DBA, Database Administration, 12c, RAC, Goldengate
•UI/Web Developer, UX Designer, Java Developer, PHP Developer, IOS/Android Developer, Business Development Executive, .NET Developer, .NET Lead, PHP Lead


Introduction To Python OPTIONAL
•Important Note about Theory
•What is Python and Father of Python
•Easyness of Python when compared with Other Languages
•Why the name Python
•Python as All Rounder
•Where we can use Python
•Features of Python Part
•Features of Python Summary
•Limitations and Flavors of Python
•Python Versions
•Python Installation Various Ways to Run Python Program OPTIONAL
•Python Language Fundamentals OPTIONAL
•Input and Output Statements OPTIONAL
•Flow Control OPTIONAL
•Python Functions OPTIONAL
•Square Pattern Printing Programs
•Right Angle Triangle Pattern Printing Programs
•Inverted Right Angle Triangle Pattern Printing Programs
•Introduction To Python (OPTIONAL)
•Why the name ‘Python’
•Features of Python: Part-1
•Features of Python: Part-2
•Features of Python: Part-3
•Features of Python: Part-4
•Python Installation & Various Ways to Run Python Program (OPTIONAL)
•Python Installation
•How to Write and Run python code on IDLE
•How to Write and Run python code by using NotePad
•Install Editplus and Run first Python Program
•Python Language Fundamentals (OPTIONAL)
•Python Identifiers
•Python Reserved Words
•Data Types: int data type
•Data Types: Base Conversion Functions
•Data Types: float data type
•Data Types: complex data type
•Data Types: bool data type
•Data Types: str data type representations by using single,double and triple quot
•Data Types: str data type – positive and negative index
•Data Types: str data type – Slice Operator
•Data Types: str data type – Slice Operator Applications
•Data Types: + and * operators for str data type
•Type Casting: introduction and int() function
•Type Casting: float() and complex() functions
•Type Casting: bool() and str() functions
•Type Casting: Summary
•Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability : Meaning Of Immutability
•Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability : Need Of Immutability
•Immutability vs Mutability
•Python Data Types: List data type
•Python Data Types: Tuple data type
•Python Data Types: Set data type
•Python Data Types: FrozenSet
•Python Data Types: Dict
•Python Data Types: range
•Python Data Types: bytes and bytearray
•Python Data Types Summary
•None Data Type
•Escape Characters,Comments and Constants
•Input and Output Statements (OPTIONAL)
•Difference between raw_input() and input() functions
•Demo Program-1 to Read input data from the keyboard
•Demo Program-2 to read input data from the keyboard
•Reading Multiple Values from the keyboard in a single line
•eval() function
•Command Line Arguments Part-1
•Command Line Arguments Part-2
•Important Conclusions about Command Line Arguments
•Output Statements : print() function and sep attribute
•Output Statements : end attribute
•print(object) and with replacement operator
•print() with formatted string
•Flow Control (OPTIONAL)
•Introduction and Indentation
•if-elif-else statement and applications
•Finding Smallest and Biggest Number by using if-elif-else Statement
•Digits to Words Conversion Programs
•Iterative Statements: for loop
•Applications by using for loop
•While Loop and Applications
•Infinite Loops and Nested Loops
•Transfer Statements: break statement
•Transfer Statements: continue statement
•Transfer Statements: break and continue in nested loops
•Loops with else block
•pass statement
•del statement
•Python Functions (OPTIONAL)
•Need of Functions and Advantages
•Types of Functions and Syntax to define User Define Functions
•Function Parameters and Demo Programs
•Return Statement
•Returning Multiple Values from a function
•Types of Arguments: Positional Arguments
•Types of Arguments: Keyword Arguments
•Types of Arguments: Default Arguments
•Types of Arguments: Variable Length Arguments
•Important Conclusions about Variable Length Arguments
•Differences between *args and **kwargs?
•Types of Arguments: Case Study
•Types of Variables: Global and Local
•Need of global keyword
•Important Conclusions about global keyword
•Recursive Functions Introduction and Demo Programs
•Internal Tracing of Recursive Function Execution
•Maximum Recursion Depth In Python
•Anonymous Functions/Lambda Functions
•Lambda Functions Demo Programs
•Function as argument to another function
•Shorter Code By using filter() function
•filter() Function Demo Programs
•map() Function Theory and Demo Programs
•reduce() Function and Demo Programs
•Important Note about Pattern Printing Programs
•To print given number of *s in a row
•To print square pattern with * symbols
•To print square pattern with provided fixed digit
•To print square pattern with provided fixed digit in every row
•To print square pattern with fixed alphabet symbol
•To print square pattern with alphabet symbols
•To print square pattern with digits
•To print square pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary order
•To print square pattern with digits in descending order
•To print square pattern with alphabets in reverse of dictionary order
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with * symbols
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with fixed digit in every row
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with fixed alphabet symbol in every row
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with digits in ascending order
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary order
•To print Right Angle Triangle pattern with digits in descending order
•Right Angle Triangle pattern with alphabet symbols in reverse of dictionary
•To print Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with * symbols
•To print Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with fixed digit in every row
•To print Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with fixed alphabet symbol in Row
•To print Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with fixed alphabet symbol
•To print Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with digits in ascending order
•Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary
•Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with digits in descending order
•Inverted Right Angle Triangle pattern with alphabet symbols in reverse
•Pyramid Pattern Printing Programs
•To print Pyramid pattern with * symbols
•To print Pyramid pattern with fixed digit in every row
•To print Pyramid pattern with fixed alphabet symbol in every row
•To print Pyramid pattern with digits in ascending order in every row
•To print Pyramid pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary order in every row
•To print Pyramid pattern with digits in descending order in every row
•To print Pyramid pattern with alphabet symbols in reverse of dictionary order
•Inverted Pyramid Pattern Printing Programs
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with * symbols
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with fixed digit in every row
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with fixed alphabet symbol in every row
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with digits in ascending order in every row
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary order
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with digits in descending order in every row
•To print Inverted Pyramid Pattern with alphabet symbols in reverse of dictionary
•Diamond Pattern Printing Programs
•To print Diamond Pattern with * symbols
•To print Diamond Pattern with fixed digit in every row
•To print Diamond Pattern with fixed alphabet symbol in every row
•To print Diamond Pattern with digits in ascending order in every row
•To print Diamond Pattern with alphabet symbols in dictionary order in every row
•To print Diamond Pattern with digits in descending order in every row
•To print Diamond Pattern with alphabet symbols in reverse of dictionary order
•Right Half Diamond Pattern Pr