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The Complete Scientific Python 3 Bootcamp




Python Online Certification


Working Professionals and Freshers


Online and Offline Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

60 Days

Python What will you learn?

•Learn to build apps with Python.
•Students will learn widely used Python concepts
•Learn Everything you need to know about Python
•Different tips on how to handle the Python interviews.
•Learn from scratch how to execute code with Python
•Learn Pythonat a minimal cost and enjoy the instructor support.
•Students will learn the core concept of making Real Life Project
•Discover how to correctly test instance identity as well as equality in Python.
•Learn to build applications on the most flexible enterprise platform for Distributed applications.

the complete scientific python 3 bootcamp Course Features

•Most comprehensive Industrry curriculum
•Exercises and handouts after every session
•Software & others tools installation Guidance
•We Provide the Course Certificate of completion
• Greater productivity and increased workforce morale
•Access to a huge closet containing information about Hadoop
•Our trainers have experience in training End Users & Students & Corporate employees.
•This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises

Who are eligible for Python

•.Net, Automation Testing, Php, Front End, Graphic Designing, Ui Designing, It Recruiter, Facility Management, Odi Developer, Hyperion Essbase, Java, Devops
•Front End, Javascript, Computer Graphics, Html, Css, Problem Solving, CSS, Web Technologies, Design, Software Development, Full Stack Developer
•Javascript, Mysql, Hybrid Developer, Html5, Css3, Php, WordPress, WordPress Cms, Html, Css, Business Development, Sales, Email Marketing, Lead
•networking, Test Cases, Automation Testing, perl, python, Protocol Testing, http, l4, l7, dns, tcp, ip, smtp, Cloud Computing, l3, l2, pig
•Sfdc, Software Development, Visualforce, Salesforce, Sale Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud, apex,, customization, detail


•Become a Master in Scientific Python and acquire employers’ one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! A great Scientific Python programmer earns more than $150000 per year.
•With over 100 lectures and more than 13 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Scientific Python!
•This course will teach you Scientific Python in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full Python 3 programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!
•We will start by helping you get Python3, NumPy, Matplotlib, Jupyter, and SciPy installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi.
•We cover a wide variety of topics, including:
•Basics of Scientific Python Ecosystem
•Basics of SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib
•Installation of Python 3 on Windows
•Setting up Raspberry Pi
•Tour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry Pi
•Jupyter installation and basics
•Array Creation Routines
•Basic Visualization with Matplotlib
•Ndarray Manipulation
•Installation of SciPy
•Constants and Linear Algebra
•Signal Processing
•Image Processing with NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Scikit-image
•Pandas and Data Science
•K-Means clustering with SciPy
•You will get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus corresponding PDFs and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! 
•So what are you waiting for? Learn SciPy in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
•Who this course is for:
•Data Science and Machine Learning Professionals
•Computer Vision Professionals
•Raspberry Pi Enthusiasts
•Anyone with zeal and enthusiasm to learn
•Objectives, Audience, and Prerequisites
•Topics Overview and Course Contents
•Please leave your feedback
•Scientific Python Ecosystem
•Introduction to SciPy
•URLs of all the projects in Scientific Python Ecosystem
•Python 3 on Windows
•Install Python 3 on Windows
•Verify the installation
•Raspberry Pi and Python
•What is Raspberry Pi?
•Unboxing of Raspberry Pi 3B+
•Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 1
•Raspbian OS Setup Part 2
•Remote Desktop with VNC
•List of Linux commands used in the section
•Install IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi Raspbian
•Python 3 on Raspberry Pi
•Python 3 Basics
•Hello World! on Windows
•Hello World! on Raspberry Pi
•Interpreter vs Script Mode
•RPi vs PC
•Python Package Index and pip
•pip on Windows
•pip3 on Windows
•Install NumPy and Matplotlib
•Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Windows
•Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Raspberry Pi
•Jupyter Notebook
•Jupyter and IPython
•Jupyter installation on Windows
•Jupyter installation on Raspberry Pi
•PuTTY Installation
•Connect to a remote Jupyter notebook
•A brief tour of Jupyter
•Jupyter Installatio and Remote Connection Notes
•Introduction to NumPy
•What is NumPy?
•Ndarrays, Indexing, and Slicing
•Ndarray Properties
•NumPy Constants
•List of Data Types in NumPy
•Create and Visualize Ndarrays
•Ones and Zeros
•What is Matplotlib
•Numerical Ranges and Visualization
•Random Sampling
•Bitwise Operations
•Statistical Functions
•Install SciPy
•Install SciPy on Windows
•Install SciPy on Raspberry Pi
•Constants in SciPy
•Linear Algebra
•K-Means Clustering
•Audio Processing
•Image Processing
•What is Digital Image Processing?
•Image Datasets
•Install Pillow on Windows and RPi
•Read, Show, and save images with Matplotlib
•NumPy for Images
•Image Statistics
•Image Masks
•Image Channels
•Arithmetic Operations
•Logical Operations
•Histograms with NumPy and Matplotlib
•Image Kernels and 2D convolution
•Distance Transform
•Binary Morphological Operations
•Grey Morphological Operations
•Fill Holes with Morphological Operations
•Advanced Matplotlib
•Render Text
•Visualize Functions – as Images
•Visualize Functions – as Contours
•3D Vignette
•Scatter Plot
•Pie Chart
•3D Plotting
•Quiver Plot
•Noisy Optimization
•Convex Functions
•Curve Fitting
•Install Scikit-image
•Install Scikit-image on Windows
•Install Scikit-image on Raspberry Pi
•Installation Notes
•Scikit-image Basics
•Getting Started
•Shapes Shapes
•Transformations, Thresholding, and Histogram Equalization
•Histogram Equalization
•Getting Stared with Pandas
•What is Pandas
•Install Pandas on Windows
•Install Pandas on Raspberry Pi
•Complete Data Science Example
•Series and Dataframes in Pandas
•Downloadable Section
•Code Bundle