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Kotlin IT Training
Lateral Entry Professionals and Freshers
Online and Offline Classes
Week Days and Week Ends
60 Days
•Learn everything about {Coursetopics} in Kotlin.
•Learn how to use advanced Kotlin functions.
•Implement Kotlin in your apps and integrate it.
•A introductory understanding of how to program in Kotlin.
•You will understand how to implement a Kotlin job.
•The best way to learn modern Kotlin step-by-step from scratch.
•Learn to code in Kotlin from scratch with hands-on projects
•Discover how to correctly test instance identity as well as equality in Kotlin.
•Gain the ability to adapt to any coding language with the concepts of Kotlin
•You Get Real Time Project to practice
•Training by Industry expert professionals
•Real time live project training and Guidance
•Trainer support after completion of the course
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
•Hands On Experience – will be provided during the course to practice
•Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of the concepts
• Our dedicated HR department will help you search jobs as per your module & skill set, thus, drastically reducing the job search time
•.Net,, C#, Angular, React, .Net Developer, Ui, Ui Development, Single Page Application, Sql, Product Development
•Data Analysis, Data Management, Data Mining, Specification Writing, Software Developer, DBA Consultant, Content Writer, .PHP, .NET, Developer, Network
•java, .Net Developer, Selenium Testing, Production Support, Business Analyst, UI Developer, Manual Testing, Sevice Desk Engineer, Unix Support
•Python, Django, Automation Testing, Cloud Computing, Aws, Java, J2ee, Web Services, Soap, Rest
•Solution Architect, Technical Lead, Software Developer, Testing Engineer, Project Manager, sap, sas, sql, magento, wordpress, laravel, mysql, Payment Gateways
Why Android and Why Kotlin
•Course Setting & What You Will Learn
•How to Use This Course
•How to Get the Needed tools
•What is Android Studio
•Install JDK on Windows
•Installing JDK on Windows(instruction note)
•Install Android Studio on Windows
•Installing Android Studio on Windows (instruction note)
•Install JDK on Mac OS
•Installing JDK on Mac OS (instruction note)
•Install Android Studio on Mac OS
•Install Android Studio on Mac OS (instruction note)
•Create your First App “Hello World”
•What You Are Going to Build in This Section
•How to Create a New Project in Android Studio
•Android Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers
•Lets Get Familiar With Android Studio
•Link to Android Studio Shortcuts
•What Is an Activity and a Layout
•Android Studio Change for Layout tabs
•Lets Run Our App On An Emulator
•Lets Run Our App On A Real Physical Device
•HappyNewYear Card App – Getting Started With User Interface and RelativeLayout
•What We Are Going to Build in This Section
•Introduction to Layouts
•What Is a Relative Layout
•Needed Files for Creating Your “Happy New Year Card”
•Lets Start Using Android Layouts to Design our User Interface
•App Base Theme
•Create Your Custom Icon with Android Studio
•Showing Off Your Work
•Downloading the Complete Project
•Challenge : Create a “Happy Birthday” Card
•What You Are Going to Build in This Challenge
•Download the Needed Files
•First Step : Create A New Project
•Second Step : Add the Image to Your Project
•Last Step : Design Your Card
•Download the Completed Project
•Introduction to Graphics and Android Scaling
•What is a Pixel
•Different Image Sizes in Android
•Density Independent Pixel(dp, dip)
•Composing Mail App – Using LinearLayout
•What We Are Going to Build by the End of This Section
•Needed Resources
•What is A LinearLayout
•Let’s Create the User Interface
•drawable vs. mipmap
•Challenge : Create an Icon
•A Note About Your Icon
•Dice App – Lets Use Kotlin in Action
•Needed Resources for Our App
•What Structure to use for the Layout
•Lets Design the Layout
•Interact with the Button to Roll the Dice
•How to Debug a Crash
•Introduction to Kotlin for Beginners
•Variables and Data Types
•Kotlin Variables
•Perform Operations on Variables
•Coding Style
•Var vs. Val
•What is Null Safety in Kotlin
•What Are Functions
•Control Flow – if Expression
•Control Flow – when Expression
•Array Data Type
•Control Flow – for Loop
•Control Flow – while Loop
•Logical Operations
•Operators Precedence
•Calculator App – Using Variables and Operating on Them
•What We Will Build by The End of This Section
•Link to Skeleton Project
•How to Use Github to Download a Project and Import it to Android Studio
•Creating the User Interface
•Creating the Logic and Using Operations on Variables
•Guess My Number App – Using Control Flows
•Needed Files for Your Project
•Get the Skeleton Project
•Lets Think About the Logic of the App
•Implement the Logic
•Challenge – BMI App (Body Mass Index)
•What We are Going to Make by the End of This Section
•Downloading the Skeleton Project
•Explanation on Skeleton Project
•An Explanation for BMI( Logic of App)
•A Point About Solving Problems
•How to Convert Java easily to Kotlin
•Needed Files for the Challenge
•Solution to BMI App
•NumberList App – Using ListView & MediaPlayer
•Needed Files for our Project
•Why ListView?
•a Simple ListView
•ListView with Custom Adapter
•Download The completed Project (Simple ListView)
•Download the Completed Project(ListView with CustomAdapter)
•Kotlin for Intermediates
•Class and Object
•Array vs. ArrayList
•Nested Class
•Inner Class
•Visibility Modifires
•Exception Handling
•Dictionary App – API, web Services, Http, Multithreading
•Create the User Interface
•What is JSON
•What is an API
•Http Connection
•Links You Need for Your Dictionary
•Make Connection and Send Your Request
•Extract Our Features from JSON
•Pass Data from from One Activity to Another
•Challenge – News App
•What You Will Build in This Challenge
•What You Need to Complete the Challenge
•Download the Skeleton Project
•Solution – Create the User Interface
•Solution – Create Connection to Guardian API
•Solution – Create a CustomAdapter and Add More Items to the ListView
•ConstraintLayout – Introduction
•How ConstraintLayout Increase UI Performance
•Introduction to ConstraintLayour – In Action
•Lets Create A Layout By ConstraintLayout
•Using Barriers in ConstraintLayout – How & Why
•How to Use An External Library in Your Project
•Why Using an External Library
•How to Use an External Library in a Project
•Link to Resources and the Completed Project
•Fitness App – Fragments & Navigation
•Needed Files for the Project
•Using Instant Run on Android Studio
•What Is Fragment
•Create a Fragment
•Add the Fragment to An Activity
•Lets Give Functionality to the Fragment
•Lets Navigate
•Conditional Navigation
•Add Up Button to the ActionBar
•Use Overflow Menu With Navigation
•Advance Kotlin
•const val vs. val
•What are Enums
•Overriding a Function
•What is an Interface
•Introduction to Google Maps API with Kotlin
•Setup for Using Google Places Api
•Setting Up a Fused Location Client(Showing a Specific Location)
•User Permission
•Getting Current Location plus Emulator Setup
•Add your Custom Marker
•Changing the Map Type
•Implementing Geocoding(how to see your current address)
•Receiving Location Updates
•Place Search
•My Diary App – SQLite & RecyclerView
•Get the Needs File
•Creating a List with A RecyclerView
•RecyclerView Dependency
•Create a New Diary
•Why using SQLite and How?
•Create a Table and Connect to Database
•Insert New Diary
•Read from Table
•Extract One Specific Diary(Row)
•Update a Diary
•Delete a Diary
•How to Avoid Losing a Diary
•Movie Rental App – Advance ConstraintLayout
•Three Main Colors of Your App
•Introduction to GuideLines
•Using GuideLines in the Layout
•Use Barrier and Finish your Layout
•Get the Completed Project
•MusicPlayer App – MediaPlayer , Read from Local Storage & Interface
•Lets Create the Design
•Create Adapter for Recycler
•Add Permissions that We Need
•Read Musics from Device Storage
•Lets Play Song
•How to Create an Interface and use it In Action
•Create Timer with Handler
•Skip to Next and Previous Song
•Seek to a Specific Position
•BookSore App(ViewPager,Grid,NavigationDrawer,Toolbar,Intents&SharedPreference )
•What We’ll Build By the End of This Section?
•Lets’s Get the Skeleton Project
•Description of the Skeleton Project
•What is a ViewPager
•Navigating Between Fragments with a ViewPager
•Incorporating Tablayout with the ViewPager
•Using a GridView
•RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager
•RecyclerView with a StaggeredGridLayoutManager
•Using CardView for RecyclerView Items
•Adding NavigationDrawer
•How to Use Include Tag in your XML layout
•CircleImageView and Intents
•the Link to CircleImageView Library
•Using an Implicit Intent to Choose an Image
•Material Design Text Field & SharedPreferences
•Chat App(Firebase, Google SignIn, RealTime Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging)
•What We Are Going to Build
•Getting the Skeleton Project
•Let’s Start with the Skeleton Project
•What is Firebase?
•Setting Up Firebase
•Google Sign In with Firebase
•Needed File for RealTime Database
•Using Firebase Realtime Database
•Making Our MessageViewHolder
•Read Message from Firebase Real Time Database
•Send Text Message and Image
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