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Microsoft Python Certification : Topic Vise + Grand Test




Microsoft 98-381Online Training


Lateral Entry Professionals and Freshers


Both Classroom and Online Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

2 Months

Microsoft 98-381 Objectives

•How to Properly Install Microsoft 98-381 .
•Learn to write Array in Microsoft 98-381 .
•Learn how to use conditional statements in Microsoft 98-381 .
•Read explore clean and prepare your script in Microsoft 98-381 .
•Learning and Creating a complete Microsoft 98-381 project in depth
•Learn how to write tests for error handling in Microsoft 98-381 .
•This course will teach you how to get moving in Microsoft 98-381 .
•In This Course u Will Learn How To Develop Apps using Microsoft 98-381
•with this time saving course you will Learn Microsoft 98-381 and ready to use it

Microsoft Python Certification : Topic vise + Grand Test Course Highlights

•Advanced Topics covered with examples
•Exercises and handouts after every session
•Doubt clarification in class and after class
•We Provide the Course Certificate of completion
•Interview guidance and preparation study materials.
•We provide you with your recorded session for further Reference
•Training time :  Week Day / Week End – Any Day Any Time – Students can come and study
•This Instructor-led classroom course is designed with an aim to build theoretical knowledge supplemented by ample hands-on lab exercises

Who are eligible for Microsoft 98-381

•Architect, Lead, Developer, Project Manager, Verification Engineer, Rtl Design, Physical Design, L3 Support Engineer, Cloud Computing, Big Data Engineer
•IOS Developer, .net c#, c c++ java, accounts finance sap fico, sap mm functional consultant
•Java Developers, Dot Net Developers, Network Administration, As400, Msbi, C++, Web Services, Webmethods, Software Testing, Manual Testing, Selenium Testing
•QA Engineers, C++ Developers, Dot Net Developers, Mac Os Developers, Project Manager, Java Developers, Android Developers, IOS Developers
•WCS, Hybris, ATG, Java, Linux Administrator, mobile, ECommerce Technologies, Testing, UI, Big Data, Cloud, iOS, Android


Why Choose the Microsoft Python Certification Exam Practice Test ? Quality Python test content is extremely important to me so that you can perform extremely good in Microsoft Python Certification Exam . I ensure that all objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you’ll be ready for any question on the exam. My Python practice tests are created from original Microsoft Python Certification Exam and the official Microsoft practice test so that the level of questions and pattern can be maintained. I work hard to understand the exam objectives, taken the exam my selves before creating these practice tests. My quality content guarantees you to pass the Microsoft Certified Exam in flying colors. Q and A feature helps you to clear your doubt from me As the questions are similar to original Microsoft Python Certification exam there are 90% change of question coming similar from here only You don’t have to go and buy official Microsoft python certification practice test i have included those similar difficulty level questions here only Questions are similar to exam questions so you test your knowledge of exam objectives Detailed explanations for both correct and dis-tractor answers reinforce the material Exam Pattern: Number of Questions : 40 Duration : 45 Minutes Questions Type: Multiple Choice, Drag and Drop and Selection from drop down list Syllabus: Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators (20-25%) Evaluate an expression to identify the data type Python will assign to each variable Identify str, int, float, and bool data types Perform data and data type operations Convert from one data type to another type; construct data structures; perform indexing and slicing operations Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence Assignment; Comparison; Logical; Arithmetic; Identity (is); Containment (in) Select the appropriate operator to achieve the intended result Assignment; Comparison; Logical; Arithmetic; Identity (is); Containment (in) Control Flow with Decisions and Loops (25-30%) Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements if; elif; else; nested and compound conditional expressions Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration while; for; break; continue; pass; nested loops and loops that include compound conditional expressions Perform Input and Output Operations (20-25%) Construct and analyze code segments that perform file input and output operations Open; close; read; write; append; check existence; delete; with statement Construct and analyze code segments that perform console input and output operations Read input from console; print formatted text; use of command line arguments Document and Structure Code (15-20%) Document code segments using comments and documentation strings Use indentation, white space, comments, and documentation strings; generate documentation by using pydoc Construct and analyze code segments that include function definitions Call signatures; default values; return; def; pass Perform Troubleshooting and Error Handling (5-10%) Analyze, detect, and fix code segments that have errors Syntax errors; logic errors; runtime errors Analyze and construct code segments that handle exceptions Try; except; else; finally; raise Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools (1-5%) Perform basic operations using built-in modules Math; datetime; io; sys; os; os.path; random Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules Math; datetime; random

Eligiblity for Certification :

Students who are preparing for python certification exams Highly recommended for the students who are preparing for Microsoft Python Certification exam 98 381